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ULTRA-2DPK project

ULTRA-2DPK aims at elucidating the fundamental limits of power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites (PKs), to guide the optimization of 2DPK and 2DPK/3DPK solar cell devices, and to promote their development for solar power generation, as well as promote their development for industrial applications. The growing demand for clean energy technologies in Europe requires the search for optoelectronic devices with low manufacturing costs and high PCE.

2DPKs offer promising avenues for the development of stable next-generation optoelectronics, including solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and broadcasting devices. In principle, understanding the
physical mechanisms underlying transient electron flows and atomic motions in 2DPK-based systems is essential.

In this grant, a new computational methodology that fully accounts for electron-phonon and anharmonic dynamics will be developed. Recent advances in electronic structure and many-body theory approaches will be combined to study the thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium optoelectronic properties of 2DPKs as a function of layer thickness.

ULTRA-2DPK also focuses on transferring the experienced researcher's knowledge of finite temperature and many-body approaches to FOTON Institute, as well as enhancing his general and research skills that will enable him to become a leading figure in his field.